September Reading and Podcasts

Here is your monthly selection of articles and podcasts. Hopefully this will help you relax during a well-earned 3 day weekend. Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Blog post by formally infamous Henry Blodget. Good read on where the stock market might go. I’m of a similar mind that this or any other prediction doesn’t change my investing strategy but interesting look at the data
Great Tim Ferriss podcast interviewing Naval. I had not heard of him but he is a prolific investor. I was struck by the way he thinks and solves problems. This is a great listen
Short and sweet blog post on better writing written by Scott Adams of Dilbert fame
This is a fantastic conversation on foreign affairs with Leslie Gelb. Listen to get fascinating insights on the Vietnam War, China, Iran and more
Tim talks about how to manage your time and network at conferences like South By Southwest. The presentation is very practical and relevant, especially for those of us about to attend Dreamforce
Interesting blog post on practice, mastery and emotional control
P.S. On September 29th and 30th, I’ll be riding 150 miles as part of the Salesforce Waves to Wine team to fight multiple sclerosis. Please please please click here and donate to support our team and fight this terrible disease. Thanks in advance!

August Reading and Podcasts

Here is my selection of articles and podcasts for August. Enjoy and let me know what you think.
What Makes Great Salespeople – This is a really interesting article on the qualities that make-up successful sales people  Since all of us “sell” in some way shape or form, worth a read
The Economics of Sleep, Part 1 – Podcast on the importance and economics of sleep
The One Learning Technique That Scared The S**t Out of Bruce Lee – Article focused on the importance of repetition and focus on becoming an expert in anything
Masters in Business Podcast Interview with Howard Marks, CEO Oaktree – This is an amazing conversation with the “Warren Buffett” of debt; Warren considers Howard a genius. You will hear about risk, strategy, first principles and a variety of topics that are important in investing but apply to everything
The Essential Guide to Crafting a Work Email – Very practical article with some good habits to develop if you write emails at work, which I expect most of us do
10 Things The Aliens Forgot To Tell Us When They Left Us Here – James is hoot and this list of advice is really poignant despite the alien angle
‘Shark Tank’ investor Robert Herjavec shares 6 business lessons he learned from waiting tables – Simple but compelling advice on how to treat customers in any setting or business
P.S. Next month I’ll be riding 150 miles over 2 days as part of the Salesforce Waves to Wine team to fight multiple sclerosis. Please click here and donate to support our team and fight this terrible disease. Thanks in advance!